Study: our universe might be merging with parallel baby universes

The new theory could explain its accelerating expansion.

A research paper published in the Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics in December 2023 suggests that the universe where we live is not only expanding but also merging with smaller "baby universes" that exist in parallel to ours. 

This theoretical deduction challenges the prevailing notion that dark energy is solely responsible for our universe's acceleration. Instead, it proposes that its expansion may result from these mergers.

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Traditionally, the accelerated expansion of the universe has been attributed to dark energy, a mysterious force whose existence is questioned by many astrophysicists due to its elusive nature.

In a departure from this explanation, the study posits that our universe's interaction with parallel "baby" universes could be the driving force behind its expansion.

The study introduces the idea that our universe continuously merges with other universes, offering a potentially simpler explanation for its accelerated expansion. According to lead author Jan Ambjørn of the Copenhagen University, this merging process might better align with observational data than the conventional Standard Cosmological Model.

While the concept of multiple universes interacting is not novel, this research provides a mathematical framework to explore its potential impact on our universe's evolution. The scientists' calculations suggest that these mergers would increase our universe's volume, mirroring the observed expansion. Furthermore, their theoretical model more closely matches observational data compared to the traditional cosmological model.

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In essence, the study proposes that our universe's expansion may be driven by its assimilation of or by other universes, diminishing thus the prevailing explanation involving dark energy.

When our universe was young, it was probably swallowed by a bigger “brother” and now it incorporates younger ones, the study’s authors believe.

Isn’t this theory contradicting another mind-blowing idea, which says every universe (and particle) has a twin somewhere?

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