Zebrafish could help personalize cancer treatments

Zebrafish could help personalize cancer treatments

A new clinical trial in Portugal will test whether zebrafish embryos can help doctors choose the best cancer treatments. Led by......

Earth flipped over on its side 84 million years ago

Earth flipped over on its side 84 million years ago

Scientists have recently uncovered compelling evidence suggesting that Earth may have dramatically tipped over on its side 84......

Why tomatoes have lost their flavor

Why tomatoes have lost their flavor

Rare tomatoes on supermarket shelves delight customers with flavor and sweetness today and no one knew exactly why their great......

ESA satellite discovers lost continents beneath Antarctica’s ice

ESA satellite discovers lost continents beneath Antarctica’s ice

Remnants of ancient continents have been uncovered beneath the frozen expanse of Antarctica using data from the European Space......

Our universe will die before monkeys get to reproduce a Shakespeare play

Our universe will die before monkeys get to reproduce a Shakespeare play

A recently published study has confirmed that, even given an infinite number of monkeys and an infinite amount of time, the......

To survive interstellar travel, spacecraft need to be small and crewed by machines

To survive interstellar travel, spacecraft need to be small and crewed by machines

Interstellar travel using current chemical rocket technology would require millions of years. However, advancements in genetics......

U.S. researchers discover large Maya city in Mexican jungle

U.S. researchers discover large Maya city in Mexican jungle

Researchers from Tulane University of Louisiana, the U.S., recently discovered vast Maya settlements in Mexico including a......

New AI technology identifies brain tumors faster and more accurate than human doctors

New AI technology identifies brain tumors faster and more accurate than human doctors

Neurosurgery is a medical field where speed and accuracy make the difference between life and death, and the correct......

Chinese scientists revive pig’s brains an hour after animal’s death

Chinese scientists revive pig’s brains an hour after animal’s death

Researchers at the Sun Yat-Sen University in China have succeeded in reviving a pig’s brain an hour after blood circulation......

Scientist claims life on Earth might have been imported from Mars

Scientist claims life on Earth might have been imported from Mars

About 2–2.5 billion years ago, life in the Solar System made a major shift from one planet onto another. Mars, on one hand,......

Why do we feel like time is speeding up after 40?

Why do we feel like time is speeding up after 40?

As we get older, time seems to speed up, a sensation that many over 40 experience. This perception of time passing more quickly......

Humans won’t put their feet on Mars any time soon – kidneys are the problem

Humans won’t put their feet on Mars any time soon – kidneys are the problem

While billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk is busy designing rockets that would take people to Mars, an international team of......