
News-Cafe.eu is a blog for news and analyses in the fields of science, technology, business, history, security, astrophysics, biology, and environment. Our articles reflect the main landmarks of the most important events happening around the world.

Unlike a vast majority of current affairs news sites, News-Cafe.eu does not focus on the latest developments of the day, but is more concerned with global issues and long-term impact - security threats, environmental risks, technological innovations, space discoveries, new scientific evidence, economic trends, etc.

News-Cafe.eu is a source of both freemium and premium information, the latter being based on membership through subscription and - for greater convenience - single text purchases. The paywall should help us achieve sustainability and fund our efforts in investigation, reporting, text editing, images and video, and translation from a variety of sources in different languages.

Readers may also make a one-time donation to support independent journalism and research, via Banca Transilvania, Romania:

Our IBAN for euro: RO50BTRLEURCRT0490900501, Swift: BTRLRO22
PayPal: office[at]rudeana.com

Best wishes,
Aurel Stratan, founder and editor-in-chief


The website is owned by the startup Rudeana SRL.