[videos] Hamas uses fakes in the war: “Dead” dolls, AI-generated victims, and non-existing strikes

Even if Israel stops bombing Gaza, Hamas propaganda will continue showing new victims to the world. Fake stories are terrorists’ main weapon.

Hamas always knew it can’t win a conventional war against Israel and it never intended to do so. Its purpose seems to be of another nature: discredit the Jewish state and get rid of the branding “terrorist.” To achieve it, the terrorist organization has turned to propaganda and fake news, which caught Israel off guard.

Fake #1: Airstrikes with phosphor-packed bombs

Palestinian Telegram and Twitter channels are sharing videos about “Israeli forces using white phosphor ammunition against Gaza schools.” In the video below our readers can see a poorly-staged scene - white phosphorus, which used for target marking and creating smoke screens, always burns brightly when in contact with oxygen, emitting a smoke that is distinctly white. Here it is gray.

Then you can see people throwing bags with an unknown substance into fire. No crater from explosion, no destruction around.

Fake #2: Men rushing with “killed children” in their arms

Palestinian media published videos taken at scenes of destruction and at funerals for “children killed by Zionists.” They didn’t bother to blur the victims’ faces. At a closer look at this particular video, it turns out these are not real children – these are dolls.

The clip was immediately removed from pro-Hamas social media, but some managed to save it.

Some video footage of alleged Israeli airstrikes were taken from action video games.

Fake #3: A boy standing near his dead mother

This one piece could be the picture of the year about Israeli crimes against civilians, but it’s not real. The image was generated by artificial intelligence and Hamas propagandists didn’t even bother to check the details of the fake scene.

The problem is that the boy has six fingers at his left hand, a mistake that frequently occur when using AI to prompt for realistic pictures using the stable diffusion method. This example casts doubt about Hamas casualty statistics.

Real crime scene: civilians killed in armed raid

It is undeniable that Israeli bombing kills Palestinians, who are savagely used by Hamas as live shields while attacking Israeli targets. Hamas, which controls the Gaza Strip, has built miles of underground tunnels and bunkers, but did not care for a single shelter for ordinary Palestinians.

The peaceful population in the Gaza Strip is clearly a hostage of Palestinian terrorists, just like the Israelis kidnapped during the 7 October armed raid. The footage below shows the victims of the Hamas attack at an Israeli festival on that day. More than 260 people were killed by Palestinian gunmen – it’s the biggest civilian massacre in Israeli history.

The video was released recently by Israeli rescuers. Shocking footage follows.

The Twitter channel Gaza Report shared a video of dozens of Palestinians who were gunned down by Hamas while trying to escape into the southern part of Gaza. Their corpses were filmed along the Al-Rashid highway. News-Café.eu can’t verify the facts in the report, therefore we decided not to publish the footage.

Hamas has neither occupied new territories nor has liberated the people of Gaza. On the contrary, they provoked Israel to enter the land strip on the Mediterranean Sea side, to cut off all utilities and aid for Palestinians, and to commit war crimes by bombing Gaza. The methods used by Hamas hardly qualify for a liberation war or guerilla defense – this is pure terrorism. Sadly, Israel has limited options to avoid civilian casualties.

More than 12,000 people have lost their lives during the first month of the Hamas-Israeli war.


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