Odds of a city-killer asteroid hitting Earth just went up

Odds of a city-killer asteroid hitting Earth just went up

Astronomers keeping a close eye on a near-Earth asteroid called 2024 YR4 have just raised the odds of an impact with our planet......

Scientist warns of danger from shaking hands with aliens – this could lead to mutual ...

Scientist warns of danger from shaking hands with aliens – this could lead to mutual ...

Half a century ago, the notion of shaking hands with aliens was treated as a joke - what if they were made of antimatter? A touch......

One of Ancient Greece’s most sacred sanctuaries was found by chance

One of Ancient Greece’s most sacred sanctuaries was found by chance

Eretria, an influential city-state of Ancient Greece, was the host to one of the most renowned religious sites of the old Greek......

Astronomers discover black hole that sucks fuel out of its host galaxy

Astronomers discover black hole that sucks fuel out of its host galaxy

Using the NASA/ESA James Webb Space Telescope, an international team of astronomers has confirmed that supermassive black holes......

Astronomers capture images of a different kind of galaxy

Astronomers capture images of a different kind of galaxy

Astronomers at the University of Cambridge have been able to observe a galaxy's unique “inside-out” growth in the......

Triple-star system passed near Milky Way's central black hole

Triple-star system passed near Milky Way's central black hole

A hundred million years ago, a triple-star system traveled through the bustling center of our galaxy and made a life-changing......

Huge deposits of ice discovered at Mars equator

Huge deposits of ice discovered at Mars equator

More than 15 years ago, the European Space Agency's Mars Express mission scrutinized a region near the equator called Medusae......

[video] Russia is no longer a buyer of Iranian drones, it is a manufacturer

[video] Russia is no longer a buyer of Iranian drones, it is a manufacturer

When the Russian Federation’s government says that it is not buying Iranian drones, it may be right. An investigative......

Un asteroid de 60 metri se va apropia de Pământ la jumătate din distanța până la ...

Un asteroid de 60 metri se va apropia de Pământ la jumătate din distanța până la ...

După ce asteroidul 2023 EY, având diametrul de 16 metri, s-a apropiat de traiectoria planetei noastre pe 16 martie curent......

De ce California a recunoscut bondarii drept ”pești”

De ce California a recunoscut bondarii drept ”pești”

Deși pare incredibil, argumentarea publicată de Curtea de Apel a statului american California nu lasă nicio urmă de......

De la Cernobîl au dispărut materiale radioactive, iar în apropierea centralei ard ...

De la Cernobîl au dispărut materiale radioactive, iar în apropierea centralei ard ...

Directorul Institutului pentru Securitatea Centralelor Nucleare ale Ucrainei, Anatoli Nosovskii, a declarat pentru revista......

Un asteroid cât un zgârâie-nor se va apropia de Pământ pe 18 ianuarie

Un asteroid cât un zgârâie-nor se va apropia de Pământ pe 18 ianuarie

Agențiile aerospațiale – inclusiv NASA și Agenția Spațială Europeană (ESA) – confirmă că roca numită (7482) 1994 PC1......