Former NASA astronaut is among candidates for U.S. vice-presidency

Former NASA astronaut is among candidates for U.S. vice-presidency

United States vice-presidents traditionally oversee the space programs and particularly the National Aeronautics and Space Agency......

Triple-star system passed near Milky Way's central black hole

Triple-star system passed near Milky Way's central black hole

A hundred million years ago, a triple-star system traveled through the bustling center of our galaxy and made a life-changing......

New study confirms that our Moon is shrinking and crumbling

New study confirms that our Moon is shrinking and crumbling

This shrinkage causes the Moon's brittle surface to form faults as sections of crust collide, similar to a grape wrinkling into a......

Why did Greenland melt down 416,000 years ago?

Why did Greenland melt down 416,000 years ago?

A global warming event similar to what we are experiencing today caused 20% to 70% of Greenland’s ice cap to melt down.......

Earth’s second natural quasi-satellite is actually a piece of Moon

Earth’s second natural quasi-satellite is actually a piece of Moon

The asteroid known as Kamo’oalewa, often dubbed Earth’s "second moon," appears to have originated from our......

[video] Can a thruster power rocket without propellant?

[video] Can a thruster power rocket without propellant?

A space startup called Exodus Propulsion Technologies claims to have discovered an entirely new force of nature that powers......

Where did complex organics on Ceres come from?

Where did complex organics on Ceres come from?

When the Dawn mission revealed the presence of complex organics on Ceres, a dwarf planet in the asteroid belt between Mars and......

Exoplanet K2-18b may harbor life

Exoplanet K2-18b may harbor life

In September 2023, an astronomer at the University of Cambridge shocked the astronomy community by claiming that an exoplanet 124......

Researchers discover mutant bacteria aboard ISS

Researchers discover mutant bacteria aboard ISS

The International Space Station (ISS) has long been recognized as an extraordinary environment for experiments and studying......

Study: Greenland loses 300 billion cubic meters of ice per year - 20% more than ...

Study: Greenland loses 300 billion cubic meters of ice per year - 20% more than ...

A comprehensive study conducted in the United States over decades and published in the journal Nature last January reveals a......

Forests declining globally amid wildfires and deforestation

Forests declining globally amid wildfires and deforestation

The global tree population exceeds three trillion, with the tropics and subtropics comprising just under half (1.3 trillion),......

Asteroid Bennu might have been part of an ocean world

Asteroid Bennu might have been part of an ocean world

A sample from the asteroid Bennu, brought back by the OSIRIS-REx mission, contains hints that it was once part of a planetesimal......