Underage employment in Russia explodes as adults get stuck in war

Underage employment in Russia explodes as adults get stuck in war

Employers in Russia are increasingly hiring underage teenagers due to a severe shortage of labor force while adult workers are......

Which 2024 predictions are most likely to come true

Which 2024 predictions are most likely to come true

The current year will be a very dynamic one, to say at least, and the challenges that started or continued in 2023 will transfer......

IMF: Prepare for AI to disrupt nearly 40% of jobs globally

IMF: Prepare for AI to disrupt nearly 40% of jobs globally

Artificial Intelligence will affect almost 40% of jobs around the world, replacing some and complementing others, therefore......

IBM Research delivers groundbreaking analog AI chip for enhanced deep learning

IBM Research delivers groundbreaking analog AI chip for enhanced deep learning

The product and its performance are detailed in two recent publications in Nature Electronics (here and here) and represents a......

Why India removed Darwinism and Muslims from textbooks

Why India removed Darwinism and Muslims from textbooks

The Hindu nationalist government of Prime Minister Narendra Modi has removed references to the 19th century English naturalist......

When are we going to see the digital euro?

When are we going to see the digital euro?

After having published the world’s first comprehensive framework for crypto regulation earlier in June, the European Union......

IMF releases blueprint for cross-border central bank digital currencies

IMF releases blueprint for cross-border central bank digital currencies

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) favors a new type of platforms for cross-border digital currencies issued by central banks......