Resident of Russia Far East tried to set Lenin's Mausoleum on fire with Molotov ...

Resident of Russia Far East tried to set Lenin's Mausoleum on fire with Molotov ...

The pyramid-shaped structure where the body of Vladimir Ulyanov alias Lenin, the Bolshevik leader and first head of the Soviet......

When are we going to see the digital euro?

When are we going to see the digital euro?

After having published the world’s first comprehensive framework for crypto regulation earlier in June, the European Union......

Studies on longevity describe how five species found a pathway to reverse aging

Studies on longevity describe how five species found a pathway to reverse aging

As our bodies age, various processes start to break down. Cells become zombie-like, releasing harmful chemicals. DNA accumulates......

A native of Ukraine took over the supreme post in the Soviet Union 45 years ago

A native of Ukraine took over the supreme post in the Soviet Union 45 years ago

On 16 June 1977, Leonid Brezhnev, a political commissar turned politician who got promoted to the top of the administrative and......

Khan Tamerlane curse and Joseph Stalin's superstitions

Khan Tamerlane curse and Joseph Stalin's superstitions

Timur Lenk, also called Teymur, but better known as Tamerlane, was a warlord who in the 14th century conquered the largest......

Humans may not survive Artificial Intelligence, says Israeli scientist

Humans may not survive Artificial Intelligence, says Israeli scientist

Harari is one of the thousands of experts who signed last month a collective petition for a moratorium on major AI research and......

In 1940-41, the Soviet Union was preparing to attack Nazi Germany. The Germans ...

In 1940-41, the Soviet Union was preparing to attack Nazi Germany. The Germans ...

On 22 June 1941 – or 81 years ago - Adolf Hitler's Germany attacked the Soviet Union, ruled by another tyrant, Joseph......

Când Belarus va primi arme nucleare și alte povești cu balauri de la Putin

Când Belarus va primi arme nucleare și alte povești cu balauri de la Putin

Președintele Federației Ruse Vladimir a anunțat la sfârșitul lui martie 2023 că a decis să transmită o parte din rachetele......

The Rise and Decline of the Scythian Empire

The Rise and Decline of the Scythian Empire

Although they had no central authority and did not represent a homogeneous ethnicity, the Scythians became a formidable power in......

Artificial intelligence will surpass humans in the art of disinformation

Artificial intelligence will surpass humans in the art of disinformation

Artificial intelligence (AI) no longer evolves on a monthly or daily basis, but every hour, and soon developers of these neural......

Inteligența artificială va depăși oamenii în arta dezinformării

Inteligența artificială va depăși oamenii în arta dezinformării

Inteligența artificială (IA) nu mai evoluează pe luni sau zile, ci în fiecare oră, iar în curând dezvoltatorii......

Instigatorul separatismului în Ucraina și șeful mercenarilor Vagner demontează ...

Instigatorul separatismului în Ucraina și șeful mercenarilor Vagner demontează ...

Igor Ghirkin, fostul ofițer al Serviciului Federal de Securitate (FSB) care a fost în fruntea grupului de instigatori......